* Please note: This article includes spoilers.

Hello, witness(it’s you!).
B100X is a game in which “item management” and “adventure in dungeons” occupy the majority.
The apostle Holly will do her best in the “adventure in dungeons” that will take a lot of time.
It can be said that “item management” is the biggest job of the witness(=you) in B100X.
In this article, for beginner witnesses who are just starting to play B100X, I will give you some basic knowledge to help you in the early stages of the game.
If you’re just starting out and it’s difficult or you don’t know what to do, take a break from playing (or while Holly is running in the dungeon) and read on.
序盤の装備を整える – Prepare equipments

When you’re just starting your adventure, you’ll be equipping the items you picked up, but you’ll be wondering when the various items are gathered.
“Which one should I use?”
B100X has various abilities, and there are various combinations of abilities that should be given depending on how you fight, but it may be difficult to understand the whole at first.
Therefore, I picked up a useful “It’s good to have in any situation” ability in the early stages.
アタックダメージ – Attack damage

In combat, ordinally, you attack once each turn, regardless of skill composition.
The power of normal attacks is increased by this ability.
The more attack damage you collect, the faster you will be able to defeat your enemies.
追加魔法ダメージ – Additional magical damage

Additional magic damage is the ability to add magic damage to your normal attack.
When a normal attack hits, it will now deal additional damage in addition to the normal attack damage.
By combining it with attack damage, you can extend the damage done by normal attacks.
Also, since the additional magic damage is “magic damage” and is not affected by physical defense, it is effective against enemies with high physical defense.
スペルダメージは…? – Is Spell damage good…?

Magic skills are a very powerful damage
source, and you can expect high-magnification damage as long as your energy isn’t exhausted. (skill power 250 means x2.5 damage, so 50 damage will be dealt if you have spell damage +20!)
However, keep in mind that no matter how much spell damage you earn, your spell damage abilities will not be fully utilized unless you set magic skills.
Also, magic skills consume energy, which can cause you to run out of energy as you go deeper into the dungeon.
When fighting with magic as the main damage source, it is necessary to think about how to keep energy at the same time, so it is not recommended for beginners.
最大HP – Max HP

When HP reaches 0, Holly loses.
Conversely, if HP does not reach 0, Holly will not lose.
In simple terms, the more HP Holly have, the longer Holly will be able to fight.
最大シールド – Max Shield

Shield is a different parameter from HP, and when there is a shield, the shield is reduced first instead of HP.
Also, each time you defeat an enemy, the shield will recover to the maximum value.
If you have enough shield, your HP will hardly decrease in battle.
However, the total amount of shield is smaller than HP, so it is not suitable for fighting enemies that receive great damage.
撃破時ジャンク獲得/撃破時経験値獲得 – Junk Gain on Killing/Exp Gain on Killing

These abilities greatly improve the speed at which you earn Junk and Exp.
Although the ability value can be increased by mix, the mix cost will increase as the ability value increases, and it will become difficult to increase the value. Especially in the early stages when you do not have enough Junk.
If you give each part of the equipment the ability you want to increase, you can greatly increase the value of the same ability at a lower cost. This method is especially useful early.

序盤のおすすめスキル – Recommended skills
エナジーボルト – Energy bolt

If Holly defeat an enemy with a normal attack, Holly will move to the next floor without using the skill.
In other words, Holly will use magic skills only against opponents who could not be defeated by normal attacks without wasting energy.
I mentioned earlier that energy needs to be considered, but the magic skills in the early stages are still very powerful, and you will be able to defeat the boss early.
ヒーリング/プロテクション – Healing/Protection

As mentioned above, defense skills are also used only for those who need them.
Healing and defense skills are preserved against strong enemies, which will also speed up the early stages.
正拳 – Fist thrust

This skill, which can be learned from Rank 2 gladiator and can deal the damage depend on Max HP, is an excellent skill that combines offense and defense that can balance survival performance and firepower just by maximizing Max HP, and you can learn the basis of build construction.
In addition, Rank3 jobs have higher skills.
スリ – Pickpocket

Although it has nothing to do with strength, the early “Junk Gain on Killing +10” is very useful.
Don’t forget to switch to other skills when aiming for deeper floor!
開始フロアとフロアスキップ率 – Start Floor and Floor Skip

Adventures usually start on the 1st floor, but the “Start Floor” ability allows you to start on a deeper floor.
The Junk and Exp that can be obtained from enemies are higher in the deeper floor, and the rarity of dropped items is also higher in the deeper floor.
You can get better Junk, Exp, and items per hour by raising the starting floor and circling only the deep floor when performing “farming” that go to adventures many times.

“Floor skip” is the ability to contribute to efficiency in a different sense than the “Start floor”.
Normally, if you defeat an enemy on the 1F, you will move to the 2F, but if you activate floor skip, you will move to the 3F.
It is impossible to skip boss floor(every 10F) with “Floor skip”.
Frequent floor skips result in more frequent fights against more rewarding boss enemies than regular enemies, making it easier to earn more Junk and Exp per hour.
Also, as the frequency of battles with boss enemies increases, the frequency with which boss enemies drop treasure chests increases, and the rate of obtaining “Unique drop” items obtained from boss enemies also increases.
“Start floor” and “Floor skip” are abilities that contribute to farming efficiency, but have nothing to do with strength.
When trying to challenge deeper floors, you’ll want to increase your combat ability instead.
Read the next chapter for this.
装備を使い分ける – Use different equipments

Combat-related abilities and farming-related abilities are required at different times.
Therefore, there is a method in which one equipment covers all of the farming ability, and the other equipment does not have farming ability, and the equipment is changed as needed.
If all equipment parts have these abilities, you will have to remake all the equipment when you try to improve the combat ability, but with this method you need to replace only one equipment part to respond this purpose.
For these replacements, the X site is a good choice. This is because there are many equipments in the X part that have the unique effect of increasing farming ability, and since you can equip two X parts, it is easy to handle.
欲しい能力を抽出する – Extract the ability you want

When mixing, the abilities of both equipments are added, but parameters that exceeds 8 elements is ignored and disappears.
The ignored parameters will be wasted, and if the item level rises unnecessarily, the item level upper limit will be reached quickly and mix will not be possible.
Therefore, you would like to give only the abilities you want to the target equipment.
This section describes one way to extract only the abilities you want.

First, prepare multiple equipment with the desired ability and mix them. (= Result item A)
When mixing, the abilities of both the base item and the material item are prioritized. (In this case, “Exp Gain on Killing” will be

Then mix result item A with the Blank essence.
Then, only the ability placed at the top is extracted as the essence item.

Finally, mix the result item B (=essence) with the equipment for which you want to add that ability.
Only the target ability will be added.
There are many other ways to collect and enhance any ability using material items and mixture rules, so please try looking for them.