いつも Buriedbornes をプレイしていただき、ありがとうございます。
Thank you for always playing Buriedbornes.
The originally planned B100X release was postponed to the Q1 of 2021, but due to the work for the B100X releasing and the start of development of Buriedbornes2, I had no room to devote man-hours to the development of the season events.
For this reason, I plan to hold a series of irregular mini-events after the ongoing season event “Music”.
ミニイベント連続開催について – About mini events in v3.5.0

2020年12月上旬 ~ 2021年4月上旬までの間、複数のミニイベントを開催予定です。
Several mini-events will be held from early Dec 2020 to early Apr 2021.
These mini-events will be larger than the ones held in the past.
They will be medium-sized mini-events with more missions, dedicated currencies, and season shops.
Unfortunately, no new job will be released, but a new job skin and contracts will be released.
v3.6.0以降の予定について – About the schedule after v3.6.0

I plan to release v3.6.0 during the Q2 of 2021.
In v3.6.0, I plan to hold the same season event again.
お詫び – Apology
Although there were unavoidable health reasons, I am sorry for the postponement of the release of each titles and the temporary reduction of the event scale.
I will do my best to review the release system and provide a new game experience toward 2021.
これからも、 Nussygame と Buriedbornesシリーズ をよろしくお願いいたします。
I look forward to your continued support of the Nussygame and Buriedbornes series.