Enter “Corpse” room

Basically you can strengthen your character by following 3 ways.
- Increase Level
- Exchange your equipments
- Learn new skills
You can earn 1 equipment or 1 new skill by entering “Corpse” room.
Exchange your equipments

After finding a new equipment, you can choose “Accept it” or “Ignore it”.
Legendary items

You can find Legendary items what has it’s special name.
Legendary items have high parameters and many have an unique ability.
Learn new skill and exchange

You can find a new skill to learn newly.
You can learn up to 5 skills.

If you already have 5 skills, you need to forget a skill to learn new skill.
You can choose a skill to forget.
Choose your abilities

Some abilities have merit and demerit.
You can touch an ability name to see the detail.
Dungeon events

You can encounter random dungeon events by entering “Event” room.

You will take random bonus or penalty by them.
Use “Reroll”

You can change items or skills to another ones what you picked up.
This is “Reroll”.
You can use Reroll to get more of what you want.

First reroll is free, but 2nd and latter will need soulstones.
- Specific ability will increase reroll amount or increase reroll cost and luck.